Compulsory standards
Since January 2005 pharmacists and pharmacy technicians have made an annual declaration when registering stating their compliance with the Code of Ethics requirement to maintain a CPD record. On 1st March 2009, the Society introduced professional standards and guidance for mandatory CPD. These are designed to meet the Society's obligations under the Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians Order 2007. To see the complete Professional Standards and Guidance for Continuing Professional Development document, please go to:
The most important points of the standards are summarised here. You must:
Keep a record of your CPD that is legible. If you use the online recording system, this is taken care of for you. If you are recording on paper, your handwriting must be clearly formed, in blue or black ink, stay within the boxes provided, be in straight lines, and not be too cramped up or small.
Record your CPD in a format published or approved by the Society. This means either online at, or on the paper forms provided in Appendix 2 of this document, or on your employers approved forms. If these forms are approved by the Society, they will carry this logo:

Make a minimum of nine CPD entries per year.
Make entries which reflect the context and scope of your practice as a pharmacist or pharmacy technician. This means that if you spend a lot of time in contact with patients, your CPD entries should be more patient focussed, whereas if you are an academic, there should be a greater emphasis on lectures or papers.
Keep a CPD record that complies with the good practice criteria for CPD recording published in Plan and Record by the Society. The Plan and Record is this document, or the online recording system. You should follow the recommendations in this document closely.
Record how your CPD has contributed to the quality or development of your practice using the Societys CPD framework. Follow the four-point cycle featured in the Societys recording formats.
Submit your record to the Society on request. We will write to you when we want you to submit your record to us. You should not send us anything until we ask you to. We will ask to see your record at least once every five years. The letter will contain specific guidance on how to submit to us. You can view this guidance at so that you can be sure your record will comply. You can select which entries you want us to see.
We also recommend that you:
- maintain a learning portfolio with records of attendance
- reflect on your practice and make CPD entries at least once a month
- make some CPD entries which start at the reflection point of the cycle
- ensure that your record is up to date
- take part in and record CPD that results from a range of learning activities