CPD for Pharmacists & Pharmacy Technicians in Great Britain
Click here to access your CPD Record General Information about CPD Frequently asked questions about CPD CPD Submissions Support for CPD How to allow others to view your on-line CPD records Technical help for those experiencing problems
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Welcome to the Continuing Professional Development website of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain

Click on the yellow button above-left to access your online CPD record.

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Update Friday 12th March 2010
A powerful new database server was installed yesterday at 5pm. This has improved the overall speed and availability of the recording system which is now being used by hundreds of simultaneous users at peak times (weekday evenings and Sundays). The overall performance of the recording system is being closely monitored. However, if you experience any technical issues please email

Latest - August 2009
news archive

New Look CPD Recording System


CPDOnline V4 now has a 'new look' for the login and main menu pages. The changes made are purely cosmetic - the functionality of CPDOnline V4 has NOT changed.

If you have any questions please email the CPD helpdesk at .

03 August 09

Updated CPD Recording System


An improved Continuing Professional Development (CPD) recording system has been launched by the Society on 8th July in preparation for call and review of registrants’ CPD records this month.

This has been created as a result of feedback received from users of the CPD recording system, other CPD stakeholders, the outcomes from the 2007-8 CPD pilot and the recommendations from the research conducted by the Welsh School of Pharmacy

The online V4 and paper V1.4 aim to simplify how entries are made and will make the review and feedback process more user-friendly. The CPD background material, case studies and answers to frequently-asked questions have also been updated.

Please do not be alarmed - absolutely none of your data has been removed on the transition to V4 but any 'optional fields' are now hidden by default. To see all the fields for your entry go to the new 'Optional Fields' page from the main menu and turn the optional fields/competencies/continuing education settings on.

The version 1.4 CPD paper packs can be ordered by calling the pack request line on: .

If you need further information please contact the CPD helpdesk on or email . For technical queries please call or email . For queries relating to submitting your CPD record when called for review email us at:

08 July 09

5 minute guide to Continuing Professional Development


The new Professional Leadership Body has released a 5 minute guide to Continuing Professional Development. You can read it by clicking on either one of these links

Please click below for the link to the standards and guidance:


It contains tips and hints on how to record your CPD, as well as some information about the beginning of Call and Review.

18 May 09

New standards for mandatory CPD - Feb 2009


The consultation on the draft CPD standards and guidance and proposed non-referral to the Investigating Committee for non-compliance closed on 29 December 2008.

The Society has now published new standards for mandatory CPD which will come into effect from 1st March 2009.

Please click below for the link to the standards and guidance:

For the Societys CPD page please click below:

17 February 09

Consultation on CPD professional standards and guidance, and the handling of CPD cases


The Society is currently consulting on proposed professional standards and guidance for continuing professional development and the way in which cases involving CPD should be handled.

Views on this consultation are invited by 29 December 2008.

For further information and to access the press release relating to the consultation please

Please click on the links below to access the consultation document and consultation questionnaire. The questionnaire is available as a pdf document or in the form of an online questionnaire.

(CPD professional standards and guidance and the handling of CPD cases)

(pdf format)

6 November 08

Pilot Status Updates Now Available


For the latest information relating to the CPD Review project please see the new Pilot Status page available by clicking the Pilot Updates link on the homepage or by clicking here.

16 November 07