CPD for Pharmacists & Pharmacy Technicians in Great Britain
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Login Problems

If you have lost, forgotten or simply have not received your username and/or password please enter your membership number and surname below then click on the 'Submit details' button and follow the instructions below applicable to your situation.

If you have logged onto CPD Online before and set up a security question, you may be able to get your username and password emailed to you, provided you can answer it correctly. If not, your details will be posted to you and should arrive within 7 days.

Some of the default usernames and passwords generated by the Society contain one or more capital 'O's that may be confused with zero and number '1's that look similar to capital 'I's and lowercase 'L's. Try entering the data again, replacing the confusing characters with its alternatives. Similarly, be especially careful to enter full stops, commas, hyphens and other grammatical symbols as these may not be clear on the letter and are legitimate characters. At no point are you required to enter spaces in any part of the username or password.
These sorts of errors have been especially noticeable where passwords are concerned. It is particularly difficult to enter the characters correctly as they appear as stars in the textbox. You may wish to use a text editor like notepad to ensure that your have entered your password correctly and then copy and paste the characters into the text field. You will then know that this field is correct.

Alternatively, you can contact the technical helpdesk direct by phone on or by email to .
The CPD technical helpdesk is open 9.30 to 4.30 Monday to Friday excluding public holidays. 

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