CPD for Pharmacists & Pharmacy Technicians in Great Britain
Click here to access your CPD Record General Information about CPD Frequently asked questions about CPD CPD Submissions Support for CPD How to allow others to view your on-line CPD records Technical help for those experiencing problems
CPD Materials
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CPD Materials

All documents are in pdf format and require Acrobat 6 reader to view them.
Click on this icon to download.

Online Tutorials

Click here to launch the online tutorials. Get macromedia flash player The online tutorials require
Flash player 6 or above.

Plan and Record for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians (Version 1.4)

  • Plan and Record Version 1.4 Complete Guidance Pack
  • Plan and Record Master Record Sheets Version 1.4 (Appendix 2)
  • Plan and Record Reviewer Criteria Version 1.4 (Appendix 5)

Practising or non-practising guidance

  • Practising or Non-Practising Pharmacist? Guidance for Members
  • Practising or Non-Practising Pharmacy Technician? Guidance for Members

CPD submission materials: ONLY for people whose records have been called for review by the Society

Please do NOT send your CPD record to us unless you have received a notification letter specifically asking that you do so. Any record we receive which we have not requested will be destroyed.
  • General Guidance Sheet / FAQs
  • Guidance Sheet for Electronic Submission
  • Guidance Sheet for Dual Submission
  • Guidance Sheet for Paper Submission

Version 1.3 Archived Materials

Some aspects of these booklets and examples are now outdated, so please refer to the version 1.4 pack for current standards and guidance.
  • Getting Started Guide Booklet 1: Making CPD Work for You
  • Getting Started Guide Booklet 2: A Journey Round the CPD Cycle
  • Getting Started Guide Booklet 3: Making Sense of your CPD Record
  • CPD Completed Examples (Version 1.3)

Other Competencies (not included in Appendix 6)

Please note, competencies are an optional field, so if you do not feel competences are relevant to you, please do not enter them in your CPD record.
  • Academia
  • Government
  • Industry
  • Medicines Management
  • Primary Care
  • Supplementary Prescribing
  • Independent Prescribing
  • Medicine Information

Document Archive