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CPPE study days for pharmacy technicians
CPPE learning@lunch programme integrates RPSGB CPD records
Newly Qualified Pharmacists : Access to CPD Online
Available Now: Getting Started Guide
Out of hours helpdesk trial has ended
New Primary Care Case Study Available
CPD Online now available to preregistration trainees
Health Informatics Competences Now Available on CPD Online
Out of hours helpdesk trial ends this weekend
CPD Technical Helpdesk open out of office hours
More case studies available
CPD Desktop update now available
Support available for training sessions
Significant upgrade to the recording system
Competences - How best to use them
Does the CPD recording system look blurry?

Plan and Record Update Now Available


The update to the plan and record document which brings it in line with CPD version 3 is now available to download in the CPD Materials section of the website or by clicking here. The update includes two new forms to allow you to record CPD entries that start at planning and at evaluation, guidance on when you should record these types of entries and an updated self review form. If you have difficulties downloading the update please contact the CPD team on or email to request a paper copy

02 November 07

Launch of CPD Online version 3


CPD Online version 3 is now released. The new version is designed to make it easier for registrants to record their CPD because it will provide them with greater flexibility in the way they complete their records online. Users can now start a CPD record from any point in the learning cycle including reflection, planning, action and evaluation. A wizard is provided to assist users in determining which form they should use to most accurately describe and record their learning experience. Version 3 also allows users to more closely associate competencies with individuals by allowing them to select relevant competencies in their profile. More information about version 3 can be found in the FAQs section.

17 September 07

We need your views on CPD


The RPSGB would like to know what you think about CPD and is inviting all practising pharmacists and registered pharmacy technicians to take part in an independent international survey organised by the Professional Associations Research Network.

The survey, which aims to discover how members of professional bodies feel about the CPD they undertake, is being sent to approximately 1,000,000 individual professionals. It asks questions about your attitudes towards CPD, how much and what kind you do. More specifically it is interested in how you feel about learning online and about higher education institutes as CPD suppliers.

As CPD features so highly in our future, your answers are particularly important to the Society. They will help to shape the future of CPD and the direction of online technologies as we move towards the development of the General Pharmaceutical Council and a new Professional Body. Both of these new organisations will have a role in the development and practice of CPD in pharmacy. Your opinions are, therefore, essential so we asking you to please take 15 minutes to complete the survey. You can complete it in more than one session if you wish. Your responses will be reported back to the Society anonymously.

This is an important opportunity to let the RPSGB know what you think about CPD. Please click on the link below to tell us what you think.

23 July 08

CPD Online Update for Pilot Participants


CPD Online has been updated since the close of pilots A and B in response to feedback from pilot participants.

A facility has been included to allow the printing of feedback reports.

The record submission process has also been updated. Previously for an entry not to be included in the submission of a CPD record you would have to go into the properties section of each individual entry and uncheck the checkbox that says "Include in my submission to the Society".
This process has been simplified so that when the submit button is pressed you are presented with a CPD Record Submission box with a list of all your CPD entries. You can then uncheck any entries you do not wish to submit to the Society, without having to enter the properties section of each individual entry.
Please note you will only have a submission button available in your CPD record if you have been invited to submit your CPD record as part of the CPD pilot. Once your record has been submitted the submit button will no longer be visible.

22 July 08

CPD Review Project


The Royal Pharmaceutical Society is undertaking a project to appraise the CPD recording and review process in preparation for mandatory CPD. The project's aim is threefold:

  • To test the process of calling for and reviewing CPD records. This will also allow the recruitment and training of reviewers to be tested.
  • To evaluate the how well users are complying with expectations for CPD recording.
  • To obtain views and impressions from members about the feedback report provided to members as a result of the review process. The project will run as three pilots, each examining in detail a different aspect of the CPD process. Read more about the project in the FAQs section.

17 September 07


CPPE and APTUK are co-hosting another series of their ‘CPD – the pick and mix approach’ study days for pharmacy technicians. We are delivering the events at four venues across England during September 2007.

The aim of the study day is to explore what CPD means and demonstrate how pharmacy technicians can effectively record their own development in line with RPSGB requirements.
This is a great opportunity to network with pharmacy technician peers with similar motivation, enthusiasm and possibly challenges as you!

The events are free of charge to registered pharmacy technicians and members of APTUK. Non registered technicians can sign-up for this event by downloading the booking form (pdf), registered technicians should sign-up via the CPPE website.

For more information about the programme, dates and venues; or to book your place on one of these events, visit the CPPE website (www.cppe.ac.uk) and click on the link in the news bar on the home page or visit the APTUK website (www.aptuk.org)

25 May 07


The CPPE has put together a short CPD guide, which is available via their website www.cppe.ac.uk/downloads/CPDGuide2007.pdf, to help community pharmacists consider how they can use the results of the Community Pharmacy Patient Questionnaire to inform their continuing professional development.

12 April 07


The CPPE has embarked on an exciting new programme to support the learning and development needs of hospital pharmacists and registered hospital pharmacy technicians. The programme was officially launched in March 2006. The CPPE are working in partnership with the United Kingdom Clinical Pharmacy Association (UKCPA) and The Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists (GHP) to deliver this programme.

These modules are designed for completion in a small group setting in your own hospital. Each programme will be accompanied by ‘training guides' to allow facilitators to deliver the programme(s) in a consistent manner in each pharmacy. First off the production line will be a series of clinical modules to support the management of cardiovascular disease.

Each booklet in the modules integrates the Society's Plan & Record CPD recording forms, so you can complete them as you go along.

The first topic focuses on 'Acute Coronary Syndromes', and the second module on ‘Strategies for the Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease’ are available from the CPPE website. The third module on ‘Stable Angina ’ is due to be launched in August 2006.

Click here to view the recent article in the Hospital Pharmacist (pdf 40k) discussing CPPE's Learning @ Lunch programme.

9 August 06


For the first time last year, the Society made CPD Online available to preregistration trainees.
Preregistration trainees were given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with CPD Online and to make CPD entries. To do this they were supplied with a username and password to log onto CPD Online.

Those preregistration trainees who have since registered as pharmacists with the Society, will have their preregistration CPD online accounts switched over to pharmacist accounts. The usernames and passwords provided to them as preregistration trainees should still be used to access CPD Online however, they will now need to log onto CPD Online using their pharmacist registration number rather than their preregistration trainee code. Those who need a reminder of their username and password should contact the helpdesk on or email

Newly qualified pharmacists who did not receive a username and password as a preregistration trainee will be sent a letter containing a username and password for accessing CPD Online.

When logging on for the first time, newly qualified pharmacists will need to update their personal profile to indicate the sectors of practice they work in. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the CPD Online user guide included in the CPD information pack that will be sent to newly qualified pharmacists and available to download by clicking here.

9 August 06


A new publication Continuing Professional Development, A guide to getting started is now available. The guide which has been created to help pharmacists and registered technicians gain a better understanding of CPD and how to record it, is divided into 3 main sections:

  1. Making CPD work for you – this is designed to help pharmacists and technicians overcome their anxieties about CPD and better understand the benefits.
  2. A journey round the CPD cycle – this breaks down each of the four stages of CPD, helping to make the whole process more manageable.
  3. Making sense of your CPD record – this section explains each question and provides helpful hints on filling in each section. It also takes a look at how pharmacists and technicians can review their own CPD entries and compare them to an ‘ideal’ CPD record.

The guide also includes a leaflet containing five completed examples of CPD.

To download the sections of the guide, click on the links above. Alternatively hard copies are available on request by emailing or by calling the CPD team on .

20 July 06


The twelve week trial of out of office hours helpdesk ended at 4pm on Sunday 23rd April. The usefulness of the service will now be reviewed to assess the viability of providing continued out of hours support.

The helpdesk will operate as usual on weekdays (excluding bank holidays) from 9.30am to 4.30pm on .


In addition to the two already featured on the website, a new primary care case study is now available. To download this case study click here.

Alternatively, paper copies are available by emailing or calling


For the first time this year, CPD Online has been made available to preregistration trainees.
This service has been provided in response to a number of requests that have been made to the Society.
In order for trainees to log in they will need their trainee number and the username and password provided to them.
Once logged in, in place of the default pharmacist's competences they will be able to use the preregistration performance standards.


We have now added Health Informatics competences to the website
The new Health Informatics competences are a result of work carried out by several pharmacists involved in Health Informatics. There is a strong correlation between these competences and those competences defined in the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Clinical Informatics.

To access the Health Informatics competences you will need to ensure you have ticked the Health Informatics box in the personal profile section of your record.


The trial of out of office hours helpdesk will end at 4pm on Sunday 23rd April. The trial has been running for the past 12 weeks. Once the trial has ended, the usefulness of the service will be reviewed to assess the viability of providing continued out of hours support.

Remaining opening times for out of hours support are:

Friday 21st April 8.00pm - 9.00pm
Saturday 22nd April and Sunday 23rd April, 2.00pm - 4.00pm

The phone number for out of hours support only is 0.
The helpdesk will operate as usual on weekdays from 9.30am to 4.30pm on .


Over the next 3 months the online CPD technical helpdesk will open out of office hours, as part of a trial to see if this service enables users to use the recording system more effectively.

In addition to the existing opening hours of Monday to Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm, the helpdesk will be opening for an extra hour on weekday evenings (8.00pm - 9.00pm) and from 2.00pm - 4.00pm on Saturday and Sunday.

When calling the helpdesk during the extended hours callers will need to use the following number 0. This number will only be available during the extended hours specified. For help during normal help desk hours callers should call the current help desk number .

At the end of the trial the Society will be evaluating the success of the out of office hours helpdesk to ensure it has provided a useful service to pharmacists alongside value for money.

More case studies available

In addition to the exemplar case study and case studies for community and hospital pharmacy there are now case studies available for industry, primary care, management and academia.

The case studies can be downloaded by clicking here. Alternatively, paper copies are available by emailing or calling .

All the case studies are based on real CPD entries that have been reviewed by the Society. Each case study contains background information, a copy of the CPD entry and comments from the reviewer.

CPD Desktop update now available

The current edition of CPD Desktop has been updated since it was published. The update can be downloaded from here.

Please visit the update section of the website regularly for other updates and look out in the Pharmaceutical Journal for announcements of further updates which may be available in the future.

Those who have already requested a copy of CPD Desktop will receive a copy of the update by post.

You will need this update if you work in medicines information or if you wish to print your CPD record.

If you are unable to download the update please contact the technical helpdesk by telephoning or emailing and they will send you a copy on a CD-ROM .

Please note that the update should only be used if you choose to use CPD Desktop and is not required for CPD Online.

Support available for training sessions
If you are organising training meetings where the CPD recording system will be demonstrated outside of normal technical helpdesk hours, please contact the CPD team on or
email: and we will endeavour to provide technical support during these times.

Significant upgrade to the recording system

There has been a significant upgrade to the recording system, which is now based on Macromedia flash technology. This overcomes problems some users had with pop-up killers. It has also allowed us to introduce the ability to organise your CPD entries into folders.

The general competences, and competences for community and hospital pharmacists have also been updated, and new ones integrated for primary care, medicines management and other roles. For further information regarding the change to competences please click here. The confidentiality tab has also been renamed ‘properties’ as this section now contains information on when CPD entries were last created and modified. For further information on the updates click here.

Some users experienced technical problems during 4th - 6th February. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. These problems have now been resolved.

 Macromedia Flash

You will need version 6 or above of the Flash player to use the upgraded CPD site. Most browsers have this as standard. Click here to find out if you have an appropriate version of the Flash player installed. If you do not have the Flash player you can download it using the link below.

Get macromedia flash player

If you are unable to install the Flash player, please continue to use the old version of CPD On-line. You should try to get the Flash player installed as soon as possible.

Competences - How best to use them

The general competences, and competences for community and hospital pharmacists have been updated, and new ones integrated for primary care, medicines management and other roles. This is to reflect current practice more accurately and to allow the RPSGB to review CPD records more effectively providing more meaningful feedback.

The new competences have been mapped to the old competences. For existing online users, the updated competences have automatically substituted any old competences and a log of what has been substituted is available when users login, areas where an exact match is not found are highlighted to the user. For further information regarding the change to competences please click here.

New CPD Online users and users of CPD Desktop will only see the new competences, so do not need to do anything. The relevant roles or sectors of practice will have to be selected in the Personal Profile section for all the competences relating to your role to be viewed.

Those who are keeping their CPD record on paper can simply start using the new competences and do not need to substitute new for old in their existing record.

Click here to download a copy of the new competences. If you experience any difficulties downloading the files please contact the technical helpdesk on . Alternatively, contact the CPD team on or email to request a paper copy of the competences to be sent to you.

Please note, the competences within the CPD recording system are intended to be a starting point. Users are encouraged to switch-off competences that do not apply to them by using the ‘edit competences’ function found in CPD Online and CPD Desktop and to add their own competences where there appear to be gaps. The competences are there to help pharmacists and pharmacy technicians identify learning needs and to demonstrate how their learning applies to roles they undertake or intend to undertake. Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are not expected to demonstrate learning against all of the competences that apply to them. Instead they are advised to prioritise and focus on those most in need of development.

Confused, need help using the CPD recording system? - See New Onscreen Tutorials.
We have introduced a set of on-screen tutorials, which provide step by step technical guidance on maintaining your CPD record. For example, there is a tutorial on Competences. The tutorials can be accessed from the Menu Page of your CPD Record by clicking on the Tutorials button or by clicking here.

Keep your CPD entries tidy - Organise your entries into folders.

We have introduced a new facility which allows users to organise their entries into folders, for example around topics or to cover particular periods of time. This has been introduced in response to feedback from pharmacists. The folders appear at the top left of your CPD record. For information on how to use this function please see the tutorial on “Managing Folders”.

Does the CPD recording system look blurry?

CPD Online and CPD Desktop are best used with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels or better.

If you are having difficulties viewing either CPD Online or CPD Desktop on your screen, this may be due to your screen resolution. For help in changing your screen resolution please contact the technical helpdesk on or email

Users with 15'' or smaller CRT (not TFT) monitors may also have difficulties viewing CPD Online and CPD Desktop. Please contact the technical helpdesk for advice.