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CPD Online version 3

What's different in this version?


There are a number of differences in version 3. The most significant are listed below:

  • Starting an entry at any point in the learning cycle. More information about this is covered in Recording CPD.
  • There is greater flexibility in choosing the relevant competencies provided through the personal profile page. This also includes a wizard to assist you to identify competences relevant to your particular practice.
  • A number of new competency frameworks are now available through CPD Online V3.0 including, General Level Framework (GLF), Advanced and Consultant Level Framework (ACLF), and Community Health.
  • Questions relating to competences within the learning entry are now optional. You can display these fields by ensuring that the "optional fields" is shown as on. See the bottom left of the CPD entry to find this button.

How do I know which form to use?


CPD Online version 3 has an inbuilt wizard to assist you in identifying which form best suits your needs. The wizard can be accessed when you start a new entry in your CPD record. At the bottom of the popup you can select "Show 'Where do I start?' wizard".

What happens to previous records I have made?


If you maintain your records online they will remain accessible within CPD Online version 3.

Will Version 1 remain available?


CPD version 1 will continue to be available for those users who are unable to download flash. It is recommended that you find an access point that will allow you to use version 3 (must be able to run Flash – refer to technical help for more information). This will ensure that you have access to all of the additional functionality within version 3, including starting at any point and greater level of control over the use of competences.