CPD for Pharmacists & Pharmacy Technicians in Great Britain
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CPD Online version 4
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CPD Online version 4

What's different in this version?


There are a number of differences in version 4. The most significant are listed below:

  • Some of the questions have been reworded. This was done in response following the 2007-2008 CPD Pilot and the independent research conducted by the Welsh School of Pharmacy and other stakeholders. Now, the questions are clearer and more focused on the benefits of your learning to your practice.
  • Optional fields and competences do not automatically appear in your record. In order to turn them on, you need to go the ‘Menu’ screen and click on ‘Optional fields’. You can also select whether or not you want Continuing Education (CE) fields on. These fields include the option to record ‘Time taken’ in the Action section of your entries.
  • Optional fields can now be clearly identified as they are marked as optional in your entries. These fields will not be taken into account when we review your record.
  • Some fields which used to be compulsory are now optional. This has been done to streamline the recording process for users.

I can’t find parts of my old entries. How do I get them back?


Don’t worry, nothing you have recorded in the old version of CPD Online has been deleted. Usually, people have this problem because Version 4 reverts automatically to only showing compulsory fields, so it may look like some of the fields have disappeared. If you go back to the main menu, click on ‘Optional fields’, and select ‘Optional fields ON’, all your information should come back. If this does not work, call our technical helpdesk on or email them at and they should be able to help you.

How do I know which point in the CPD cycle to start at?


CPD Online Version 4 has an inbuilt wizard to assist you in identifying which point you should start at according to the sort of learning you have done. The wizard can be accessed when you start a new entry in your CPD record. At the bottom of the popup you can select "Show 'Where do I start?' wizard".

What happens to previous records I have made?


If you maintain your records online they will remain accessible within CPD Online Version 4.

Will version 1 remain available?


We recommend that you find an access point that will allow you to use Version 4 (must be able to run Flash – refer to technical help for more information). This is because Version 1 is now outdated and does not have a number of the technological advantages of later versions.