CPD for Pharmacists & Pharmacy Technicians in Great Britain
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Recording CPD
CPD Requirements and mandatory CPD
Roll Out


• What is revalidation?
• When will revalidation be introduced?

What is revalidation?
Revalidation is the periodic renewal of practising rights. Depending on which practising rights are being renewed, the revalidation requirements may be different. Different practising rights have not yet been defined, but will include, for example, the renewal of a pharmacists' supplementary prescribing rights. Revalidation is not just CPD. CPD will be a major component of revalidation, but revalidation might also include, for example, the need to demonstrate that a given number of days have been spent in a relevant field of practice over a defined period of time.

When will revalidation be introduced
Revalidation is some years away yet and is likely to be introduced some time after mandatory CPD.